Ibis Komondors
AKC Komondors since 1980
I am a small home-based Komondor only breeder.
My Komondors are not a business.
My Komondors are companions and AKC show dogs.
Komondor puppies are occasionally available to individuals who want a family dog with a guardian
temperament, and a unique coat.
(864) 579-7216
Member Komondor Club of America since 1981
Chanpion Ibis Icicles (Tsulala)
CH IBIS Good as Gold at 4 years
CH IBIS Goody Two Shoes at 2 1/2 years
2011 Ibis Komondor 17 day old puppy
2011 Ibis Komondor 17 day old puppy and mom
2011 Ibis Komondor 17 day old puppies
2011 Ibis Komondor 17 day old puppies
CH IBIS Goody Two Shoes at 6 weeks
2010 Ibis Komondor puppy at 4 weeks
Two Ibis Komondor future champions at 8 weeks